The station is situated just off the A350 High Street in the middle of Spetisbury village in Dorset. Look out for the sign for Bridleway / South Farm. Limited car parking is available by the railway bridge at the entrance to the station site. On-road parking is available in the village. Parking is also permitted at Spetisbury Primary School at West End outside of school hours only. More Bus X8 services from Poole and Blandford stop near the end of the lane leading to the station.

The station occupies an elevated position on the North Dorset Trailway and access is up a flight of 30 steps, or a fairly steep ramp. Easier access onto the Trailway is available at Spetisbury Primary School, from where it is 15 minute walk to the station. The Trailway can also be accessed from Louse Lane at the other end of the village.

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Visitors to the station site are advised to be careful of uneven platform edging and should not enter the building foundations due to loose masonry. Overnight camping, barbeques and fires are not permitted.